[Humbly adapted from Alexander Blok’s Она пришла с мороза … (1908)]
She arrives and scents the air
With the Winter’s brazen draft,
Cheeks of ardent crimson glare,
Perfume rank, visage inapt,
Vocals ringing utter nonsense,
In a manner most obtuse
To my work, when all the sudden,
In a fit of clumsy rummage
From her purse unfurls a loose
Crumpled literary journal.
I began to feel unsoundly
Cramped in my immense apartment,
Which all seemed aloof and awkward,
When she suddenly entreated
That I read “Macbeth” aloud.
Hardly reached the earthly bubbles,
Which I can’t discuss without
Worry … Though she too, uneasy,
Glance fixated out the window,
‘Cross the baleful alley rooftop,
Where a motley cat, espying
Kissing pigeons, lurked there, prying.
What most angered me was this:
It was the doves, not us, that kiss.
Long be gone, l'età burlesca,
L'età di Paulo e Francesca
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