Language is a Jazz form

2021-10-25 @Languages

Cortázar, paraphrased:
A short story is analogous to the more structured form of Jazz - the chamber Jazz. A novel manifests far greater freedom reminiscent of the Free Jazz form. A novel can continuously fork [and not necessarily reconcile each loose branch].

I’ll take that a step further, and extend the Jazz metaphor to language:

Words can be rearranged, abused and deranged to pleasing impact; new word forms and new semantic patterns, improvised.

Extract diverse meaning from seemingly identical syntax.

Phrasing awkward to one ear can please another.

Cadence and rhythm varies heavily between speakers.

Caesura, sustained silence add dimension.

A speaker can inspire varying reaction across multiple listeners: from charm to indifference to ennui to hostility.

An entirely mundane phrase can be variably received, subject to stance, countenance and the subtleties of voice.

Literature can stretch language to and beyond limit. Literature is language.

A standard, that is, a long established work of prose or poetry - an essay, a postulate, a mere idea can be adapted to extreme creative liberty, catering to a singular voice.

Though recycled, ideas give potential to limitless room for creative rearrangement.

You need not submerge in heavy theory to appreciate the essentials and be well versed.

Every new generation sees the older criticise, if not disinherit the contemporary usage.

Spurious claims:

  1. The language is dead.
  2. The language has long abandoned to decay.

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