The Morning Manoeuvre

2024-07-09 @Blog

In words of Voltaire, initiate dans le plus beau et le plus agréable des manières possibles. Produce a plausibly valuable or entertaining or what am I saying, readable fragment of what, in an alternate universe, could shape a complete oeuvre, that is, an essay, poem, narrative, proverb, aphorism or revelation or a semblance thereof.

The effort nigh always shorts ambition. More often than not, the morning repast interferes. Affected by chemical agents, the mind drifts from the fasted, coherent station into the intoxicated barbarian, ceasing to deliver with fervor wanted of the enterprise.

And thus it behooves to postpone the breaking of the fast while the rapport between body and mind remains aloft. Equilibrium attained, visible signs of fracture manifest, and Caprice is granted a plot of land.

Now because Hypocrisy has occupied the rear ranks all along if not camouflaged behind the opéra-buffa curtain, come the arbitrarily established canonical hour of 8-9 AM and Caprice procures a semi strong potion of Arabica if not the Paraguayan twigs-and-dust.

Thus the intricately woven ceremony drags on with moderate effort on the better days; more often than not on its heels if not the bleeding knee caps of a sapling condemned to buckwheat punition in a rank corner.

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