Noise may still be winning

2022-06-06 @Creative
By Vitaly Parnas
Though Noise prevails, Silence still commands significant ranks: The swooshing of Mollnir, The shamanic murmurs of the Terrible One, The stealthy swaying of the water lily, The luminosity of the evanescent dragonfly, Mount Prometheus wrought by the rain season, The Georges Méliès unrecovered two-reelers, The pondering Ocean of Dreams, The stratospheric hot air balloon And the surveiling castle thereabouts, The Cheshire cat demonic grimace, The self-perpetuating wind mill, Volcanic eruptions in the pits of the hollow earth, The Well Tempered Clavier unwritten measures, Miles Davis' *In the Silent Way* posthumous outtakes, The caretaker outhouse on the shores of Mt Purgatory, The scarlet letter typewriter, St. Augustine’s confessions, Perambulations across the halls of Valhalla on Easter, The Cretan labyrinth broom closet, The Queen’s Gambit opening, The ancient mariner’s hound. Not all is yet forsaken.

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